Month: September 2023

★·.·´Saving Mcdonald’s`·.·★

★·.·´KIA ORA!,Welcome back to my blog today im completing all the task im haven’t finish or done in the past week this task is from Week 6 “Saving McDonald’s” its about a family going to a camp own by Matt McDonald,The problem is the camping site is getting shutdown because its not safe and has a bad environment.My highlight for this task is nothing and My lowlight is Also NOTHING! and Something I should have done better was doing the task at home.`·.·★

★·.·´Why we need to drink Water!`·.·★

Why do we need water?Have you ever wondered what will happen if we don’t drink water?and why do we need to drink water?Like what would be the side effect to your body when you don’t want to drink Water.

  1. It provides Strength and nourishment to our Vital organs.Our Vital Organs such as our Brain,kidney,lungs,Heart,and Liver.Water helps nourish our vital organs for they can function properly without Water our Organs will fail and stop working properly, Our organs are like Flowers without water they will dry and stop growing and eventually die.

2.It keeps our Eyes,Nose and Mouth moisturised and hydrated. Without Water our face will dry like a leaf without moisture from the rain.Because our Eyes,nose and Mouth contains Body tissues in order for the body tissues to maintain health it needs water to moisturise it so our faces can be healthy and glowing.

3.It helps digest our food.Water helps Breaking down the food we are eating for our bodies to absorb the nutrients that the food provides, Also it prevents constipation since water helps make Stool softer and Without the help of water in our digestion you cam get sluggish bowel function.

In conclusion Without drinking Water our body parts will mostly be damages for Water helps nourish the vital organs,Its keeps our Nose,Mouth,eye moist and keeps our bones strong and especially helps us digest our food we eat.Did you know are bodies is made out of 50%-75% water so without water we would die. 

★·.·´KIA Ora,Welcome to my blog.Today we are practising in doing explanation writing again .In this explanation writing I’m explaining “Why we need to drink water”? My highlight for this task Is learning new facts, My lowlight is NOTHING! and something i need to do better is get managing time.Thank you`·.·★

★·.·´What happens if we don’t Sleep!`·.·★

What happens when you don’t sleep?Have you ever wondered what will happen when you don’t sleep?like what would be the side effect to your body when you don’t want to sleep.Or What happens to your brain or body when it doesn’t get any sleep?

Here are the possible things that will happen when we don’t sleep.

  1. It affects our Memory.

The lack of sleep can prevent your brain on making new memories.Because the without sleep the brains shut down the memory inbox and you can’t remember those experiences because you way to tired because you haven’t slept.For example Your brain is like email,sleep is wifi and the memories are the emails.Without wifi the gmail wont work so the emails sent to you will not be seen, it’s more like saying without sleep the brain wouldn’t function well and you won’t see or remember those memories like gadgets without internet.

2.It develops a toxic protein “(amyloid)”The lack of sleep increased the development of amyloid which is a toxic protein that can make you severely sick .Amyloid is connected to Alzheimer disease because it happens at night in your deep sleep. How is sleep going to avoid developing amyloid? For example, the amyloid is some dirty trash that can be rwith water and Sleep is the water . So with saying that sleep help on avoiding or washing away the  amyloids.


3.It affects the cardiovascular system The lack of sleep affects our Cardiovascular system .Because it makes the blood pressure go down and your heart rates drop and without sleep there’s a 200% you will have a cardiac attack.For example your heart is a balloon and sleep protects the balloon on getting popped.So without sleep the balloon or heart will go on a cardiac attack.

In conclusion What happens when you don’t sleep is really bad. It can cause your life to end,Like having a heart attack.So please get your 8 hours a day sleep so you can prevent all illnesses including when you don’t sleep.

★·.·´KIA Ora,Welcome to my blog.Today we are practising in doing explanation writing because are Writing test is coming up Next term and we are preparing for it.In this explanation writing I’m explaining “What happens if we don’t Sleep”? My highlight for this task Is learning new facts, My lowlight is NOTHING! and something i need to do better is get managing time.Thank you`·.·★


★·.·´KIA Ora,Welcome back to my blog!.This Wednesday we are doing a Maori task.Since it Maori language week the theme for this year is still “KIA Kaha Te Reo Maori “In this task i read a poem called kakano its about a seed, and the message is Even though little in the outside but big in the inside .My highlight for this task is learning new Maori words and my lowligth is Nothing! Thank you `·.·★


★·.·´KIA Ora,Welcome back to my blog!! This Wednesday For maths we did a create task.In this task we are explaining the 3 different transformations! Reflection,Rotation and Translation. Here you see in the image my shape which is a flower picture demonstrating the 3 transformations! My highlight for this task was decorating the image and adding details to show the transformation and my lowlight is Choosing what shape i was gonna do it took me a long time to figure out what shape could be the perfect,not boring and creative one i could do. Thank you!! `·.·★


★·.·´Article Review`·.·★

★·.·´KIA Ora, Welcome back to my blog!!It’s Already Week 9! This Monday it Maori languages week!The theme for this Year its still same “Kia Kaha Te Reo Maori”.In this task we chose an article to read and answer a few questions,The Article i chose to read is Mispronunciation of Maori Names. I think you should read it!My highlight for this task was Reading the personal stories in the article because it explains how they feel offended when people make fun or purposely mispronounces their name. My lowlight is Nothing. And something I need to work on is finishing on time for the nexts task. Thank you! `·.·★

★·.·´How Solve a Linear Equations!`·.·★

★·.·´KIA Ora,Welcome back to my blog! Its Week 8!!Today i will be showing you on How Solve a Linear Equations! Not going to lie in reality i took a lot of takes before i can perfect it.I hope you can learn something from my video demonstration. Thank you!`·.·★

★·.·´Speech Reflections!`·.·★

★·.·´KIA Ora,welcome to blog.Its Already Week 8!! This Wednesday we did our Speech Reflections!Finally we our class are done delivering our speeches and now we are reflecting on how we did and how we felt before,while and after saying our speeches.My Highlight in this task was Reflecting and seeing what i was feeling. In the other hand in my speech I was proud of myself because I projected my voice so my class can hear me clearly while I am doing my speech.My lowlight is Nothing really. And something I need to work on in my speech for Next’s year is Eye contact. Thank you! `·.·★