Tag: week 6

★·.·´Saving Mcdonald’s`·.·★

★·.·´KIA ORA!,Welcome back to my blog today im completing all the task im haven’t finish or done in the past week this task is from Week 6 “Saving McDonald’s” its about a family going to a camp own by Matt McDonald,The problem is the camping site is getting shutdown because its not safe and has a bad environment.My highlight for this task is nothing and My lowlight is Also NOTHING! and Something I should have done better was doing the task at home.`·.·★

★·.·´A Brush with the Dark Side`·.·★

★·.·´KIA Ora,Welcome to my blog.This Wednesday for reading we read “A Brush with a dark side” its about a Teacher Mr. Foster who does a bunch of suspicious and concerning stuff like giving students weird almost made out words ,While both of his students Sam and Jeremy are finding out Why? and investigating what really their teacher is.?In this set of slides we have to answer some questions about the story,highlighting independent and dependent clauses and Writing sentences!. My highlight for this task is just doing a task that is not about my speech but in the other hand i have done writing my speech.And my lowligth is Nothing. That’s all thank you!  `·.·★

★·.·´MATHS WHIZZ!!`·.·★

★·.·´KIA Ora, Welcome to My blog!! This Tuesday we are working on our Maths whizz progressions. Also this Morning some people who works for Maths Whizz came to give us a presentation about the program and the new update.As you can see I am already A Whizz Master i have 4 progressions which is the minimum to get per week and 3 red gems! I am also in this weeks Hall of Fame!Thank you for reading my blog! `·.·★


★·.·’KIA Ora,Welcome to my Blog!! Its already Week 6!! This Monday for Maths we are doing SIMPLIFYING EXPRESSIONS!In this set of slides I answered some question about simplifying and others are about finding the perimeter! I really enjoyed answering this worksheet Since i love doing Maths!I had 1 question wrong but its all okay `·.·★

★·.·´Great speeches!`·.·★

★·.·´KIA Ora,Welcome to my blog!.Its already Week 6!? This Monday we are now focusing on our speeches that we will present in the upcoming weeks! In this set of slides we look up or read some speeches like Lou Gehrig speech when he is saying farewell to baseball since he was diagnosed with a disease and passed away after 2 years after being diagnosed with it he speech has a lot of the language features and was really powerful. That’s all`·.·★