Tag: room 4 literacy

✮Term 4 Literacy goals!✮

To get to the next level I need to:

1. I need to Get better at Inferencing so I can really understand what the Author wants us readers to know.

2.Be more focused and not let any distractions disturb me.

3. Use references or dictionaries to understand the words.because some books sometimes has words that I can’t understand.

I can help myself by:

I can improve on reading by reading books at home to get myself used to reading long texts.

I can make time at home to watch or listen to people who can help me get better in reading.

To get to the next level I need to:

1. If i want to improve on writing i should use different words to make my Writing interesting.

2.I need to improve on my Sentence structure because lately in writing I struggle on how to make my writing organise and make sense.

3. Adding punctuation in the right place, knowing where and when to add a punctuation .

I can help myself by:

I can improve on reading and writing a journal to improve my sentence structure.

– I can improve by writing fictional stuff like write a story.

★·.·´Saving Mcdonald’s`·.·★

★·.·´KIA ORA!,Welcome back to my blog today im completing all the task im haven’t finish or done in the past week this task is from Week 6 “Saving McDonald’s” its about a family going to a camp own by Matt McDonald,The problem is the camping site is getting shutdown because its not safe and has a bad environment.My highlight for this task is nothing and My lowlight is Also NOTHING! and Something I should have done better was doing the task at home.`·.·★

★·.·´What happens if we don’t Sleep!`·.·★

What happens when you don’t sleep?Have you ever wondered what will happen when you don’t sleep?like what would be the side effect to your body when you don’t want to sleep.Or What happens to your brain or body when it doesn’t get any sleep?

Here are the possible things that will happen when we don’t sleep.

  1. It affects our Memory.

The lack of sleep can prevent your brain on making new memories.Because the without sleep the brains shut down the memory inbox and you can’t remember those experiences because you way to tired because you haven’t slept.For example Your brain is like email,sleep is wifi and the memories are the emails.Without wifi the gmail wont work so the emails sent to you will not be seen, it’s more like saying without sleep the brain wouldn’t function well and you won’t see or remember those memories like gadgets without internet.

2.It develops a toxic protein “(amyloid)”The lack of sleep increased the development of amyloid which is a toxic protein that can make you severely sick .Amyloid is connected to Alzheimer disease because it happens at night in your deep sleep. How is sleep going to avoid developing amyloid? For example, the amyloid is some dirty trash that can be rwith water and Sleep is the water . So with saying that sleep help on avoiding or washing away the  amyloids.


3.It affects the cardiovascular system The lack of sleep affects our Cardiovascular system .Because it makes the blood pressure go down and your heart rates drop and without sleep there’s a 200% you will have a cardiac attack.For example your heart is a balloon and sleep protects the balloon on getting popped.So without sleep the balloon or heart will go on a cardiac attack.

In conclusion What happens when you don’t sleep is really bad. It can cause your life to end,Like having a heart attack.So please get your 8 hours a day sleep so you can prevent all illnesses including when you don’t sleep.

★·.·´KIA Ora,Welcome to my blog.Today we are practising in doing explanation writing because are Writing test is coming up Next term and we are preparing for it.In this explanation writing I’m explaining “What happens if we don’t Sleep”? My highlight for this task Is learning new facts, My lowlight is NOTHING! and something i need to do better is get managing time.Thank you`·.·★

★·.·´The Quest`·.·★

★·.·´KIA Ora , Welcome to my blog!Its The START OF WEEK 7!! This Monday 28th of August For Literacy My group Tusitala We are reading “The quest” actually this task is last week because My literacy class is really focused on our speeches. In this set of slides we answered some questions about the story and infer meaning from picture . Thank you! `·.·★

★·.·´Great speeches!`·.·★

★·.·´KIA Ora,Welcome to my blog!.Its already Week 6!? This Monday we are now focusing on our speeches that we will present in the upcoming weeks! In this set of slides we look up or read some speeches like Lou Gehrig speech when he is saying farewell to baseball since he was diagnosed with a disease and passed away after 2 years after being diagnosed with it he speech has a lot of the language features and was really powerful. That’s all`·.·★

★·.·´The end(There’s a boy in the girl bathroom) `·.·★

★·.·´KIA Ora,Welcome to my blog.This Friday we are now in the end of reading our novel”there’s a boy in the girls bathroom”This novel might be one of my favourite book, I really enjoyed reading this novel with my class and Mrs Stone.I can’t believe that Bradley has changed so much since the beginning.I think you would enjoy reading it too .My highlight for this task is just reflecting back on the start of the novel.And my lowligth is NOTHING!! `·.·★


★·.·´Personification on Poetry `·.·★

★·.·´KIA Ora,Welcome to my blog. This Wednesday we are learning about Personification in Poetry ,Personification is giving human qualities to a Object or animal like “The tree is dancing in the wind” it doesn’t really mean that the tree is dancing since they don’t dance it just look like they are dancing.Authors uses personification to attract the readers attention and make it more interesting. In this slides we also read ” The rose that grew from the concrete” by Tupac Shakur. This poem describes himself when he was child and just describes himself us a rose.My highlight for this task is understanding personification more! and my lowligth  is nothing .Thats all thank you!!`·.·★

★·.·´SENSE MAKING`·.·★

★·.·´KIA Ora,Welcome back to my blog. This Wednesday were learning about interpret and making sense of what we read.My highlight for this Task is getting creative on thinking what was happening and my lowligth  was nothing.And something that i can improve on is my sentence structure.Thank you`·.·★

★·.·´Inference Practice`·.·★

★·.·´KIA Ora! welcome to blog, This Monday we are still learning about inference and if you don’t know what inference or not familiar with it. Inference is about reading between the line of a texts.in this set of slides its about making a guess of inferring what do you see in the image and guessing what is happening.Thank you`·.·★