♥ ☆·.·´KIA Ora,Welcome back to my blog.This Friday we are ask to talk about our favourite foods,In this slides we answered question such as What does it taste like?,Who makes it? and Why do you like it most?.My favourite food is noodles since it reminds me about my family.My highlight about this task is reflecting why i like noodles and that all.Thank you`·.·☆ ♥

The story of Matariki

KIA Ora welcome back to my blog. This Thursday we are learning about The story of Matariki. In this set of slides we answered question about Matariki like “What does matariki Mark?” did you know Matariki marks or signifies the Maori New year or did you know that  The name of the star cluster in english is The Pleiades.My Highlight from this task was learning about Matariki and finding more information about Matariki and the 9 stars. Thank you.